Mental Health Awareness Week


18-24th May is Mental Health Awareness Week

Supporting our employee’s health and well-being is important to Topspeed and recently Hannah Spray was appointed as our Mental Health First Aider.

As such Hannah attended an accredited Mental Health First Aid training course that covered:

  • What is mental health and what factors can affect our wellbeing
  • How to spot the triggers and signs of a range of mental health issues
  • How to have the confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
  • Developing skills such as non-judgemental listening
  • How to guide them to further support, for example through self-help resources, internal support, or external sources such as their GP
  • How to look after themselves while they are performing their duties

All employees of Topspeed have been informed of this confidential resource.

Useful resources are: