Cold weather contingency plan

Topspeed Couriers Cold Weather contingency plan

The recent Beast from the East and Storm Emma that brought the UK to a halt at the end of February, didn’t stop Topspeed from delivering a consistently good service.

Our Cold Weather Contingency plan was quickly put into action by our Operations Hub team and drivers who handled the situation with high levels of professionalism and efficiency. We had no breakdowns or accidents. All our drivers were kept safe and accommodated overnight in hotels if they were far from home.

Many of our customer contracts require deliveries all year round, in whatever weathers and despite many having reduced staff levels due to employees struggling to get into work, particularly in Scotland, we were able to not only make the collections and deliveries, but also help our customers with solutions or emergency storage.

Dave Turner, Managing Director at Topspeed commented “having contingency plans for all situations is part of our business and is a key requirement that our customers look for when we are tendering for new Crown Commercial contracts. Fortunately, we don’t have to call upon them very often, but our customers can be reassured that a backup plan from Topspeed is not just a tick in the box but that it is tried, tested and works”