Topspeed workplace promotion and development

Helena Norman Topspeed

We pride ourselves at Topspeed at supporting our team with specialist training when required, to not only help in them in their role, but also to aid in their own professional development.

Helena Norman has worked at Topspeed since 2012, and as the business has expanded she has progressed to the role of Driver Liaison Manager. Her responsibilities include the day to day communication and management with our team of 65+ general drivers.

As a result, this role brings with it an increased requirement of handling employment related situations than Helena was involved with previously and therefore it was recognised that a course covering HR fundamentals would be beneficial. The ACAS HR Management course maps the employment relationship incorporating recruitment, managing holidays, dealing with absences, discipline and grievance matters. Attendees are given practical guidance and provided tools to bring back to the workplace to use.

Gillian Lockley, Business Manager at Topspeed said “it’s important to provide our team with the tools, skills and training they need to undertake their work effectively, not only will they benefit personally in their own development but the business will clearly benefit from their increased knowledge”