Lands End to John O’Groats Challenge

IMG_0887 (3)Yes this is the patch we cover at Topspeed Couriers (and beyond!), but this message isn’t about the routes we regularly take in our fleet of vehicles, this is an update on the Moped Challenge we reported on in November 2015.

Ian Arnold completed his challenge and he tells us that all when to plan, aside from the terrible weather conditions he endured that weekend! Over the three days he clocked up some impressive daily miles.

  • Day 1 – 390 miles
  • Day 2 – 360 miles
  • Day 3 – 250 miles

IMG_0916.. all in mid November on a Honda C90 Moped!  He did this to raise money for the Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) charity prior to a 12 month volunteering project n Nigeria where he will be working closely with maize and soya bean farmers to try and improve their income potential.  On average a Nigerian farmer will only earn $0.83 per day (the UN defines poverty as earning less than $1.25 per day).

Ian has achieved his goal of raising £1500 and so has raised the bar and is now looking to up that to £3,500, you can support him here

Congratulations Ian on your achievements and good luck from the Topspeed Couriers team as you head off to Nigeria.

If you are looking for a more conventional way of transporting goods around the UK, contact us on 0800 856 2464