On board road facing cameras

All of the Topspeed vehicles are fitted with on board road facing cameras with the specific purpose of providing back up and support in safeguarding our drivers and protecting our clients property.

A situation occurred recently that called for this technology to be used.  Our driver was second in line waiting at a red light, when the vehicle in front  moved off as the traffic lights changed our driver followed with a reasonable distance in between.   The first car crossed the intersection safely but just as our van went across the road line it was hit from the left by a car travelling over 50 miles per hour. Fortunately neither of the drivers were hurt in the incident, though understandably our driver was very shaken up.

The video footage left no doubt that our driver was blameless, and the evidence was forwarded to the insurance companies as part of the process.  This reduced the time an insurance claim would take, and more importantly reduced any additional anxiety that the driver may have felt in justifying and remembering all details in relation to an incident.